Academic Health Centers have been called to develop a strategic plan to integrate student learning across colleges to better prepare our future workforce to practice, teach, and research together. Experienced interprofessional faculty facilitators are needed to provide diverse perspectives and add creativity and quality in the design and implementation of the IPE student curriculum. To do this, a bank of engaged faculty trained to design and/or facilitate these IPE learning events is needed. A UAMS IPE Certification process was created to develop this bank of engaged and trained faculty facilitators.

The IPE 101 seminar is the first step in the UAMS IPE Certification process. This one-hour didactic provides an overview of the IPE movement, and the need for collaborative skills that facilitate team-based endeavors in clinical, educational, and research settings in which our diverse faculty work.
The second step of the UAMS IPE Certification process is a training workshop (201E: Facilitator Skills and IPE Event Design) for faculty to build their design and facilitation skills for IPE events through active learning experiences.
The last step is co-leading an IPE student or faculty event with an experienced co-facilitator (301E: Facilitated Shadow and/or Event Co-Lead).
Make sure to utilize all the information on our Faculty Development Workshop page here!
Check out our full facilitator sign-up for a list of ALL the student events we do.
If you see an event on this list that doesn’t have a 301E associated with it, please send us an email and we will work with you to get you trained.
Continuing education credits for most professions is available for all three events. This observation will lead to quantitative and qualitative structured, confidential feedback.
Successful completion of this 3-step process earns a certificate stating the individual is a UAMS IPE Facilitator who is capable of facilitating that type of IPE event independently. Certification as an IPE Master Facilitator can also be obtained by completing this process for three different types of events.
Value of certification is enhanced by the UAMS Deans’ support from all 5 Colleges and the Graduate School. The Deans instructed the promotion and tenure committees at all colleges of this value during their deliberations, as well as the value of interprofessional or interdisciplinary work in general.
The opportunity for certification is advertised across colleges at live events as well as via emailed faculty development invitations.
If faculty are already involved in facilitating IPE student or faculty events on campus, they may wish to skip the training process and apply for certification via our Exemption Policy.