Student Educator Activities
Please check with your IPE Program Manager and IPE Program Timeline to determine if you have an activity associated with your degree path which qualifies for student educator credit.
09/20/24: Poverty Simulation Resource Role
Be a part of the ever-popular poverty simulation – but this time you’ll be the banker, teacher, doctor, etc.
Register to for a Poverty Sim Resource Role
Student Educator for Exposure Bridge Activity
Student Educator for Competence Workshop Activity
There is an Alternate Assignment assignment available in IPE IPEC 1701 Competence Student Educator course in Blackboard
“Create a Movie Night”
Please note: To be a student educator for any of these events, you MUST have completed the activity as a participant first.
Please contact our office for more information on completing your requirement (ipe@uams.edu)
Quadruple Aim activities are designed to support students’ development of Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Competency Domains and Quadruple Aim goals.
This requirement can be completed by being a facilitator at one of the following events:
- Serve as a co-facilitator for an IPE Quadruple Aim Exposure or Immersion Phase Activity – Exposure Workshop, Exposure Bridge Activity (Movie night, etc), Triple Aim Project Proposal, Simulation, etc.
- Mentor students in simulation activities, health fairs, point of care training and other events that translate into improved community outcomes with a patient-centered or healthcare focus.
- Serve on a Student Advisory Board for 12th Street HWC, North Street, or other free or reduced-cost interprofessional clinic.
- Provide a seminar on health professions as a career opportunity to students in K-12 education or undergraduate studies.
- Provide a seminar on a practice-related topic (inservice, case conference topic presentation, education booth/fair, etc).
- Presentation of original research (Integrative Learning Experience, poster/platform presentation, etc).
- Other activities may be submitted to the Director of Interprofessional Curricular Affairs for approval.Email Dr. Kat Neill at kkneill@uams.edu for consideration of other activities.
Complete Student Educator Activity
To complete the Student Educator Activity:
- Students must be enrolled in the UNIV 17000 Competence Student Educator Activity course in Blackboard by first enrolling in UNIV 17000 in GUS.
For questions about enrollment, please contact IPE@uams.edu. - Students must submit a student educator verification form and reflective essay in Blackboard within 7 days following participation in the activity. All documents are located in the UNIV 17000 Competence Student Educator Activity course in Blackboard.
Cord Blood Information Drive
Miss Arkansas, Claudia Raffo, supports cord blood donation and you can too! As a Student Educator you can assist in educating the public about cord blood banking.
Dates and times vary.
Please contact Plummer Badger for more information.
MPH Integrated Learning Experience (ILE)
MPH students can complete their Student Educator Activity through participation in the the COPH Integrated Learning Experience (ILE). (PBHL 59923)
For more information, please check out the COPH website and speak with your program advisor.
Other Student Educator Ideas
For other student educator ideas, please email IPE@uams.edu