The Quality Improvement in Advanced Learners Program (QIALP) is an 8-9-month quality improvement (QI) program designed to train advanced learners (i.e. residents and fellows in medical school, clinical pharmacy, psychology, or other advanced learners in health care professional fields) to work effectively on interprofessional quality improvement project teams (each with two faculty facilitators) while using quality improvement science methodology. By the end of the course participants should:
- Be able to discuss basic improvement science concepts.
- Have completed an improvement project that addresses one or more of the Quadruple Aim UAMS institutional objectives (improving patient care/patient experience, reducing costs of care, improving population health, and/or maximizing professional wellness/work satisfaction while reducing burnout).
- Be comfortable participating in additional quality improvement projects. This interprofessional education program will be conducted as part of the Office of Interprofessional Education (OIPE)’s efforts to build collaboration skills across the three missions: research, clinical care, and training.
The 2020-2021 QIALP Session hosted its conference on April 27th from 4-6 pm.
All other participants have pre-recorded their presentations and you may watch them below:
“Identifying a Baseline for Quality of Care in a Rural Patient-Centered Medical Home for Care Plan Patients”
(download the PPT to hear the audio)
UAMS South Family Medicine Residency Program, Magnolia, AR
“Assessing Diabetic Distress in a Family Medicine Residency Clinic”
UAMS Southwest, Texarkana, AR
“Management of Dehydration After Tonsillectomy: Developing a Standardized Algorithm”
UAMS, Little Rock, AR
“Social Determinants of Health Documentation in the EMR”
UAMS, Little Rock, AR
“Improving Medication-Focused Discharge Instructions Through Quality Improvement”
UAMS, Little Rock, AR
“Multimodal Tier-Based Pain Control Media for Orthopedic Arthroplasty Patients”
UAMS, Little Rock, AR
“Eliminating Surgical Smoke”
Baptist Health, North Little Rock, AR
“Femoral Nerve Blocks as Pain Adjuncts for Low-Energy Hip Fractures”
UAMS, Little Rock, AR
“Screening and referral coordination optimization QI for addressing food insecurity”
University of Texas, Health Science Center at Tyler (UTHSCT), Tyler, TX
The 2019-2020 class has concluded with a virtual conference on June 24th
View the recorded version!
The teams presenting during our conference were the top teams from each institution (ACH, Baptist, UAMS, & UTHCT).
Read the official UAMS news story here.
Below, are pre-recorded poster sessions from all other teams.
“Human papillomavirus vaccination rates: A quality improvement project”
“Aiming for Remission: Quality Improvement in Family Medicine Clinic Targeting Depression”
“Reducing Discharge Average Length of Stay in the Emergency Department”
“PROMIS Score Collection in Joint Arthroplasty and Spine Patients”
“Establishing Ultrasound Education in Internal Medicine Residency”
“Assessing health literacy and patient understanding of otolaryngology procedures as related to the informed consent process: A QIALP project”
2018-2019 Quality Improvement for Advanced Learners GRADUATES!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the program. This PILOT program began in August 2018 and completed March 2019.
Twelve faculty members acted as Principle Investigators (PIs) with twenty-one inteprofessional advanced learners participating in six projects. Several of the PI’s claimed MOC Part IV credit for their involvement and one Master of Nursing Science student claimed three different IPE credits through their participation!
1st Place

2nd Place

Honorable Mentions

Establishing Ultrasound Education in Internal Medicine Residency