We have added a NEW IPE #2 Exposure Bridge activity to our list!
If you are interested in attending, please register and save your spot today.

We have added a NEW IPE #2 Exposure Bridge activity to our list!
If you are interested in attending, please register and save your spot today.
It’s the LAST free faculty movie night of 2022 so don’t miss it!
Sponsored by the Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care.
We will be watching “Resilience”.
Only 51 seats are available, reserve yours today!
Following the example of University of Washington, UAMS is making our Medicine and Meaning page a place to share our collective stories as we TOGETHER go through this strange time. These emotions of fear, anxiety, frustration but also of collegiality, courage and hope, have the potential to enhance our sense of belonging to a great healthcare institution. Knowing that others are going through similar emotions and share our humanity is helpful and can have a significant and lasting positive effect for all.
The rules, as stated in the 2000 JAMA article by Sheetz and Fry are as follows: to tell— preferably in 55 words exactly—a story that helps us to understand, or to appreciate, something about a patient or about the practice of medicine. Pieces may be shared anonymously.
If you are interested in sharing a short reflection (55 words or fewer – poetry or prose or mix) about how the COVID-19 outbreak has impacted you to understand, appreciate, or process something about the impact, response, or practice of medicine and healthcare at this moment, email your 55-word text to medicineandmeaning@uams.edu.
We invite ALL members of the UAMS team to contribute across all professions and roles.
Don’t miss out on the 2nd Annual UAMS Simulation Research Day on Nov. 1st.
For more information, to submit your abstract, or register CLICK HERE.
The 2021 Art from the Heart virtual event was held on April 15th to great fanfare and success!
You can read the official UAMS new release here.
If you were unable to attend you can watch a recording of the event by clicking here.
Below you can read the poetry and see the artist’s works and statements.
We look forward to 2022!
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Unable to attend the 2020-2021 Quality Improvement for Advanced Learners Program (QIALP) Conference this week?
Don’t worry — we recorded it!
You can watch the live presentations and view the pre-recorded posters from all participants: http://bit.ly/2VLLBfD
“Healthcare professionals face increasingly stressful situations in their workplace. Creating work-life balance through their own artistic endeavors provides, “a way to utilize art as a calming agent in a stress-laden environment while demonstrating the health and healing benefits of artistic images and expressions.”**(capearts.org)
Join us for a virtual tour of artistic endeavors by the creative members of TeamUAMS in a joint venture with the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts!
During this event, you will view the works in themed pairings and talk to the creators all led by our talented moderators.
If you’d like to attend please click here to register.
April 15th from 4-6 pm.
Below, you can read the artist’s statements as they pertain to their creations.
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Submissions are now open for our 3rd Annual “Art from the Heart” exhibition!
Thursday, April 15, 2021
4:00—6:00 pm
Submission cutoff date is: 5:00pm, March 24, 2021
Want to ATTEND Art from the Heart?
We have a sign-up for that too! CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT ON APRIL 15th.
In celebration and honor of Veterans Day (Nov. 11th) the DDEI Veterans Committee is asking all student and employee veterans to participate in a Day of Service at UAMS on Tuesday, November 10th.
Volunteer opportunities include:
We appreciate all you have done in service to your country and UAMS.
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The 2nd Annual Art from the Heart exhibit went virtual in 2020!
Huge thanks to the Arkansas Arts Center and the UAMS Department of Medical Humanities and Bioethics for their continued support and assistance.
Please click here to read the official UAMS story about the event.
Adapting to the virtual format included posting artist statements and their works on the IPE Facebook page as well as recording the event so those who couldn’t attend in person could watch later.
Click here to watch the video.
We are already planning next year’s event so watch for the announcement in November!